Dr. Thuy Giang graduated from Temple School of Podiatric Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at Coatesville Veteran Affairs Medical Center. She is Board certified in podiatric orthopedics and primary podiatric medicine by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Giang is a member of the American Podiatric Medical Association and also serves on the board of the Georgia Podiatric Medical Association as treasurer. She has had a private practice for twenty-two years, having offices in both Sandersville and Milledgeville, Georgia.
Dr. Giang and her husband Sanh Nguyen have two children, who currently attend Georgia Institute of Technology. They enjoy traveling and just spending quality time with the family and doing philanthropic activities.
Dr. Giang is a native of Ca Mau, Vietnam. Although she lives in a rural town of less than two thousand people, she wants to make a worldly impact, especially on the Vietnamese community. Because of this, she doesn't mind the two hour plus drive to Atlanta for the VAHPAG meetings and just anything to stay involved in the community, and she truly loves community service. She is very proud of her heritage and will continue to serve the community for as long as she can.

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